chaaloo khaata ya bachat khaata example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. The Him laya account significantly fewer glaciers (5000 km2?), with an equilibrium line at 5500 meters on the Nepalese side, 5900 meters on the slopes Tibetan 2. The resources of the Bank consist of capital but mainly by borrowing launched on national and international markets (for the period 1961-1981, unit of account 14 3. The unit of account is the common denominator of species 4. the unit of account used by the F 5. There he adheres to theories of Johannes Denck, rejecting the sacraments and professing a search for the God within, which would have to account to anyone

Given are the examples of hindi word chaaloo khaata ya bachat khaata usage in english sentences. The examples of chaaloo khaata ya bachat khaata are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., account.

This chapter begins by giving you a simplified account of how macroeconomics differs from the microeconomics that you have known.

These economic functions of the state have to be taken into account when we want to describe the economy of the country.
It also takes into account various interlinkages which may exist between the different sectors of an economy.
There was a time when history was an account of battles and big events.
According to the English chronicler Ovington who wrote an account of the port in 1689, on average a hundred ships of different countries could be found anchored at the port at any given time.
For example, the need for food causes hunger an account of which a man searches for food.
Normally, such barriers result on account of use of wrong words, faulty translations, different interpretations etc.
As accounts payable arise on account of credit purchases, it expresses relationship between credit purchases and accounts payable.
In fact, the states of Uttar Pradesh (eastern and south-eastern parts), Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, West Bengal, Chattisgarh, parts of Madhya Pradesh and Maharasthra account for largest number of food insecure people in the country.
The task of preparing the statements is simplified because the accountant can take the account balances from the trial balance instead of looking them up in the ledger.
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